Thursday, April 16, 2015

"Crack is Wack"

Who is it by? Keith Haring

Where is it found? New York City

What does it mean? 
 In Haring's words, "Inspired by Benny [a friend addicted to crack cocaine who was eventually cured], and appalled by what was happening in the country, but especially New York, and seeing the slow reaction of the government to respond, I decided I had to do an anti-crack painting." The piece being done in a playground was used as a large scale public service announcement against the harsh realities of 80's NYC drug culture.

Why is it art? While is might seem that the crack epidemic of the 80s is over, this mural is still iconic to this day. Any car passing through FDR Drive can see the mural on the park playground. It is an iconic piece of work and should therefor be seen as artwork. 

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